Wholesale Mazafati Dates

Mazafati Dates

Mazafati dates, known for their soft, juicy texture and delightful flavor, are a prized delicacy exclusive to Bam City, Iran. These sought-after dates hold a significant market share and are a popular ingredient in fresh cuisine. Packed with essential daily energy and rich in vitamins B, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin A, Mazafati dates offer a delicious and nutritious boost. If you're interested in bulk purchases, consider searching for "mazafati dates wholesale price" or contacting Mazafati Dates Suppliers directly.

How to import dates from Iran?

This video, led by your guide Komeil, dives deep into sourcing the finest dates, including sought-after Mazafati date varieties. Learn how to navigate the world of Mazafati date wholesale prices, calculate delivery costs, assess supplier quality, and conquer common import challenges. Whether you're a seasoned importer or new to the game, this video equips you for success. Watch now and start your date-importing journey today! (Remember, knowledge is key – understanding the process and partnering with reliable suppliers is your recipe for success.)

Know Mazafati dates better than anyone!

Hailing from the sun-drenched deserts of Iran, Mazafati dates are widely considered to be among the most delectable in the world. Thriving in regions like Bam (their primary origin), Jiroft, and Kahnuj, these gems boast a unique visual appeal. Imagine a miniature rugby ball with a captivating contrast – black, leathery skin with a touch of red at the base – cradling soft, melt-in-your-mouth flesh.

This high moisture content makes Mazafati dates particularly delicious when enjoyed fresh, earning them the name “Rotab.” Their popularity has soared in recent years, turning them into a top export from Iran. Ready to experience the magic of Mazafati dates for yourself? We are dedicated to the finest Mazafati date suppliers, ensuring the freshest quality and authentic taste of Persia is delivered straight to your table. Explore our extensive selection and discover why Mazafati dates are a true desert treasure

A Date with History: The Mazafati Legacy

The exact origins of date cultivation remain shrouded in mystery, but Mazafati dates hold a special place in history. Believed to be one of the first fruits domesticated by humans, their presence on the Iranian plateau dates back an astonishing 12-15 thousand years. This rich heritage adds another layer of intrigue to the already captivating Mazafati date experience.

mazafati dates

Shelf life and storage conditions

Mazafati date is a juicy date. It has 14 to 36 percent moisture, so requires special storage conditions. Mazafati date is stored in the refrigerator after harvesting so that it does not spoil and you can consume it for a longer period. The temperature of -5 to 5 degrees celsius is suitable for keeping dates.

Mazafati’s excessive moisture has made it impossible to classify it as a dry fruit. You can store most types of dates at room temperature, but not Mazafati date. It is better to always keep it in the refrigerator and remove it two hours before consumption.

Mazafati dates should be stored in the warehouse, with appropriate conditions and standards of the day, at a temperature that does not cause the dates to rot. The value of dates for the body is determined when it reaches the consumer. If it is kept in proper conditions, dates will not lose their property.

Quality detection

To determine the quality of this fruit, you should pay attention to the amount of juice and size. The higher the amount of date juice, the better dates quality for grade A. The skin should be soft and without breaking. The dates should be sweet not sour or spoiled. The estimated size of this date varies between 2.5 and 4.5 centimeters; In this way, you can easily buy the best one by checking these two features.

Features and nutritional values

In its chemical structure, Mazafati dates are rich source of potassium, it also has high iron and natural sugar suitable for the body. Its nature is warm and most people who have problems with cold and phlegmatic nature can use it as a medicine.

There is a lot of extraordinary energy in this fruit so nutrition experts even consider consuming two to three of it as a substitute for a meal. Muslims consume the most amount of this product in the month of Ramadan when they fast from dawn to dusk. Mazafati Rotab completely compensates for their energy and blood sugar loss.

The seed of this date consists of 7 to 10% of oil and makes up about a tenth of its weight, and it contains moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and a little ash. Its skin is shiny, smooth, and thin, and you can easily separate it from the date flesh. The Rotab is red at first and gradually turns light brown and then dark brown, finally turning into a deep purple and black color. The appearance color of this date is a little lighter in some areas, which is not the reason for the difference in quality, and depends only on weather conditions and maintenance.

Date fruit contains various nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, etc. It also has low fat and high fiber and protein, which makes it a healthy snack.

More benefits of Mazafati Dates

Mazafati date and its derivatives, such as juice, syrup, and puree, are excellent sugar substitutes, and including them in the daily diet, due to their concentrated and natural sugar, can be very effective in treating diabetes and blood lipids.

In addition, the effect of Rotab on the treatment of insomnia and lack of sleep has been proven. Also, the ointment prepared from its core helps in the growth of eyelashes in addition to treating swelling of the eyelids.

Experts consider Mazafati dates as the elixir of youth because they have seen the great effect of their long-term consumption on the freshness of the skin and hair.

For inquiries, partnership opportunities, and to embark on this exciting work, connect with us through WhatsApp No: +989357600839.

Mazafati dates- Kimia dates

Harvesting and major problems

Workers – usually men, traditionally pick dates from palm trees in baskets woven with palm leaves. Other workers – men and women, collect them under the tree, then transport the product in plastic boxes with ventilation holes, by truck or van to cold stores.

The main issue regarding this product, due to its high sensitivity, is maintaining its quality, by keeping it at the right temperature, and proper transportation, which causes high costs. On the other hand, the steps of loading, unloading, and packing must be done with high precision to minimize product waste. You can check our dates packaged here.

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What are the differences between grades of Mazafati dates?

To help date importers make informed choices, Mazafati dates are graded into categories A, B, and C, with industrial quality also playing a role. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these grades, allowing you to better understand and appreciate the distinct characteristics of Mazafati dates.

Mazafati dates, Grade A:

They are handpicked with great care to ensure only the finest specimens make it to this grade. Here’s what sets them apart:

Appearance: Grade A dates have a glossy, dark brown to black color. They are plump and have an appealing, uniform shape. You can expect them to be free from blemishes or deformities.

Texture: When you bite into a Grade A Mazafati date, you’ll notice its flesh is exceptionally soft and moist. It practically melts in your mouth, making it a truly indulgent treat.

Taste: These dates are known for their rich, caramel-like sweetness. They have a delicate hint of molasses and a mild nuttiness that lingers on your palate. Grade A Mazafati dates are often described as “nature’s candy.”

Size: Grade A dates are typically larger than their counterparts in other grades. They are also called Grade AA (3 to 4 cm). the smaller sizes (2.5 to 3.5 cm) with the same specifications are called Grade A.

Packing: Grade A Mazafati dates, renowned for their exceptional quality, are typically packed in 500 gr to 700 gr baby boxes right at the time of harvesting.
They also pack in 5 kg bulk cartons which are less juicy.

Check Mazafati dates grade A below.

Mazafati Dates, Grade B:

Grade B Mazafati dates are also of high quality, but they may have some differences compared to Grade A dates:

Appearance: While Grade B dates are still dark brown to black, they might have minor wrinkles, blemishes, or variations in size and shape. However, they remain visually appealing overall.

Texture: The flesh of Grade B dates is soft and moist but may be slightly less tender than Grade A. Nevertheless, they are enjoyable to eat.

Taste: Grade B dates maintain the sweet, caramel flavor characteristic of Mazafati dates, although the intensity may be slightly milder compared to Grade A.

Size: Grade B dates are often smaller in size (2 to 3.5 cm) compared to Grade A.

Packing: They are packaged in 5 kg bulk cartons.

Check Mazafati date grade B below.

Mazafati Dates, Grade C:

Grade C Mazafati dates, while still of decent quality, have some noticeable differences from the higher grades:

Appearance: Grade C dates may have more imperfections, such as dry, blemishes, irregular shapes, or variations in color. They are less visually uniform than Grades A and B.

Texture: The flesh of Grade C dates can be slightly drier and less soft compared to the higher grades. They may require a little more chewing.

Taste: While still sweet, Grade C dates may have a less pronounced flavor compared to Grades A and B. The caramel notes might be milder.

Size: They tend to be the same size or a little bit smaller than grade B dates.

Packing: Grade C dates are typically packaged more simply, often in bulk 5 kg cartons or less decorative packaging.

Check Mazafati dates grade C below.

Mazafati Dates, Industrial Quality:

Industrial quality Mazafati dates are primarily intended for processing rather than direct consumption. Here’s what sets them apart:

Appearance: They can have various imperfections, including blemishes, discolorations, and irregular shapes. They are not visually appealing. There are broken skin, bird-eaten, and damaged dates among them.

Texture: Industrial-quality dates are often drier and may lack the soft, moist texture of higher-grade dates.

Taste: While they still retain some sweetness, the flavor may be less intense and may have a more pronounced date-like taste rather than the unique caramel sweetness of better grades.

Size: They can vary in size, but they are generally smaller than Grade A.

Use: These dates are commonly used in the food processing industry for making products like date paste, syrup, or baked goods. They are less suitable for direct consumption.

Check Industrial quality Mazafati dates below.

Mazafati dates Calories and the best time for consuming it.

Mazafati dates are a rich source of energy, with a caloric content that makes them an excellent natural sweetener. On average, a 100-gram serving of Mazafati dates provides approximately 277 calories. The majority of these calories come from carbohydrates, particularly natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Additionally, Mazafati dates are a good source of dietary fiber, which can contribute to a feeling of fullness and aid in digestive health. Despite their relatively high calorie count, Mazafati dates offer a nutrient-dense alternative to processed sugars, providing not only sweetness but also essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Incorporating Mazafati dates into a balanced diet can offer a natural and wholesome way to satisfy sweet cravings while contributing valuable nutrients to overall health.

The best time to consume Mazafati dates is during periods of low blood sugar, such as in between meals or as a pre-workout snack. Their natural sugars provide a quick energy boost, making them an ideal choice for replenishing glycogen stores and providing a sustained release of energy. The fiber content in Mazafati dates also helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing rapid spikes and crashes. Additionally, Mazafati dates can be a delightful and nutritious addition to breakfast, paired with yogurt or incorporated into oatmeal. Their versatility allows for consumption on their own as a sweet treat or as a wholesome ingredient in various recipes, ensuring that the benefits of Mazafati dates can be enjoyed throughout the day in a manner that aligns with individual dietary preferences and energy needs.

Comparing some type of Dates with Mazafati dates:

Date TypeColorSizeTasteMoisture LevelSkin
MazafatiDark brown and black3 to 4 cmSweet like chocolateWetSmooth and Shiny for grade A
KaliLight brown3 to 4 cmSweet exceptional tasteSemi-DrySmooth and Shiny
RabbiDark brown and black4 to 5 cmSweet smokySemi-DrySmooth and Shiny with a few wrinkles
ZahediYellow and Brown reddish2.5 to 3.5 cmLess sweetDrySmooth
PiaromBrown, Amber3 to 5.5 cmSweet like CaramelDryWith a lot of unique intricate wrinkles
ShahaniYellow, Goldish, Light brown4 to 6 cmLight sweetWetSmooth
KabkabDark brown and black2.5 to 4 cmLight sweet smokySemi-DrySmooth but for dry ones the skin separated from the flesh
KhenaziDark brown and black2.5 to 4 cmSweetWet/ Semi-DrySmooth with some unique intricate wrinkles
KhassuiLight brown2.5 to 3.5 cmLight SweetWetSmooth with some wrinkles
SayerBrown and Dark brown2.5 to 4 cmLight sweet smokySemi-DrySmooth but for dry ones the skin separated from the flesh

FAQ for Mazafati dates

Mazafati dates, also known as Bam dates, are a variety of dates that originate from Iran. They are characterized by their dark brown to black color, a size ranging from 3 to 4 cm, and a sweet taste reminiscent of chocolate.

Mazafati dates typically have a size ranging from 3 to 4 centimeters. As a Mazafati Dates Supplier, we produce the finest (Bam region) Mazafati dates.

The taste of Mazafati dates can be described as sweet, with a flavor profile reminiscent of chocolate. It is a delightful and rich sweetness that sets them apart.

Mazafati dates have a relatively high moisture level, and they are considered “wet.” This contributes to their soft and succulent texture.

Mazafati dates are primarily grown in the southern regions of Iran, where the climate is conducive to date palm cultivation. The provinces of Hormozgan and Kerman are known for producing high-quality Mazafati dates.

To maintain their freshness, store Mazafati dates in a cool, dry place. It is recommended to keep them in an airtight container or resealable bag to prevent moisture absorption and maintain their quality.

Yes, Mazafati dates are a good source of natural sugars, fiber, and various essential nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamins. They can be a healthy addition to a balanced diet.

Mazafati dates are a nutritious fruit. Per 100 grams, they typically contain around 277 calories, 1.8 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 74.97 grams of carbohydrates, 6.7 grams of fiber, and various essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

Mazafati dates are commonly available in various packaging options, including bulk quantities and small boxes. They may also be found in decorative gift packaging, making them a popular choice for both personal consumption and as gifts.

Look for Mazafati dates that are plump, moist, and have a shiny appearance. Avoid dates with mold or an off-putting odor. If possible, purchase from reputable suppliers or brands known for providing high-quality dates.

While Mazafati dates can be stored in the refrigerator, it is not necessary. They can be kept in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Storing them in an airtight container will help maintain their freshness.

Here at PERSA TRADING, we are dedicated Mazafati date suppliers of premium quality. We offer a wide selection of grades to suit your needs, from luxurious Grade A to cost-effective Grade C. For inquiries about wholesale pricing and availability, please contact us directly.

The price of Mazafati dates can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Grade: Higher grades (A & B) with superior appearance and texture typically command a higher price.
  • Quantity: Mazafati date wholesale prices for bulk purchases are usually lower than retail prices for smaller quantities.
  • Seasonality: Prices may fluctuate slightly depending on the harvest season.